How to create custom GPTs for Beginners

In this in-depth online tutorial, we will dive into the fascinating world of custom GPTs (Generative Pre-trained Transformers) using OpenAI’s cutting-edge platform. Custom GPTs, often referred to as “My GPTs,” represent a quantum leap in the realm of AI personalization. They empower users to create AI models tailored precisely to their unique tasks and applications. Whether your goal is to streamline customer interactions, supercharge content creation, or develop conversational agents with distinct personalities, My GPTs offer a world of limitless possibilities.

Understanding the Essence of Custom GPTs

Custom GPTs signify a remarkable advancement in the domain of AI personalization. They are individualized iterations of the ChatGPT model, enriched with bespoke skills, specific directives, supplementary knowledge, and an extensive repertoire of capabilities. These tailor-made AI models are designed to serve as your trusted partners in accomplishing precise objectives with unrivaled efficiency and effectiveness.

Accessing Your GPTs

Before embarking on your My GPT journey, it’s essential to grasp how to access and harness the capabilities of these custom AI models within the OpenAI platform:

  1. Exploring the Features: Initiate your GPT journey by navigating to the “Explore” tab conveniently situated on the left-hand side of your screen.
  2. Activate Beta Features: If the “Explore” tab remains elusive, don’t fret. You may need to enable beta features within your account settings to unlock this invaluable feature.
  3. Plan Upgrade: Verify that your subscription plan encompasses access to GPT-4 and that you’re on the “Plus” tier. Without satisfying these prerequisites, you won’t gain entry to the realm of custom GPTs.
download ChatGPT plus

Once you’ve successfully completed these initial steps, you’ll be primed and ready to harness the formidable capabilities of My GPTs.

Creating Your Custom GPT: A User-Friendly Approach

Upon gaining access to My GPTs, you’ll be greeted by two primary tabs: “Create” and “Configure.” Each of these tabs serves a distinct purpose in the customization process:

Create custom GPTs
  • Create Tab: This tab is ideally suited for users seeking a streamlined, AI-assisted GPT generation experience. It guides you through the process with remarkable ease and efficiency.
  • Configure Tab: For those who yearn for advanced customization options and precise control over your custom GPT’s behavior and capabilities, the “Configure” tab offers an extensive array of options.

Rapid GPT Generation with the GPT Builder

For those who value speed and simplicity, the GPT Builder is a game-changer. This conversational interface simplifies the GPT creation process into a few straightforward steps:

  1. Commence a Conversation: Initiate a conversation with the builder, clearly articulating the purpose of your GPT. For instance, you can say, “I’d like to create a GPT that assists budding YouTubers in growing their channels.”
  2. Guided Setup: The GPT Builder will expertly guide you through the process, generating a name, crafting a distinctive AI profile picture, and collecting relevant information to shape the essence of your GPT.
how to create custom gpts for beginners

Fine-Tuning Your GPT for Precision and Excellence

Customization is the cornerstone of harnessing the true potential of your GPT. Here’s how to fine-tune your GPT:

  • Incorporate Knowledge Sources: Bolster your GPT’s capabilities by including specific files or knowledge sources, ensuring that it remains up-to-date and well-informed.
  • Define Tone and Style: Tailor the tone and style of your GPT’s responses to align with your objectives. Opt for a friendly, encouraging demeanor or a more formal and professional one, depending on your target audience.
  • Navigating Sensitive Topics: Clearly delineate the subjects that your GPT should avoid mentioning or discussing, ensuring that it stays in line with your intended goals.
  • Seeking Clarification or Making Educated Guesses: Decide whether your GPT should seek clarification when faced with uncertainty or make educated guesses when responding to user queries, thus ensuring a seamless user experience.

A Deeper Dive into the Configure Tab

In the “Configure” tab, you’ll find additional options to further enhance and refine your custom GPT:

  • Craft Custom Conversation Starters: Customize conversation starters to help users engage effectively with your GPT. These tailored prompts serve as invaluable tools for guiding users to initiate meaningful interactions with your AI model.
  • Zapier AI Actions Integration: Integration with Zapier unleashes a world of possibilities. You can seamlessly connect your GPT to external applications, enabling it to perform an extensive range of tasks. From managing your calendar to sending emails and interacting with various applications, the potential is boundless.

Zapier AI Actions Integration

Zapier integration represents a transformative leap in expanding your GPT’s capabilities. With over 20,000 distinct actions available, spanning a multitude of applications, the potential applications are virtually boundless. Here’s how to set it up:

  1. Copy the Zapier Integration URL: Initiate the integration process by copying the Zapier Integration URL to your clipboard.
  2. Import the OpenAI Schema: Access your OpenAI dashboard, import the OpenAI schema, and save it to proceed with the integration.
  3. Craft Precise Instructions: Utilize the provided instructions template to guide your GPT in executing specific Zapier actions. You can tailor these instructions to align seamlessly with your unique requirements.
  4. Connect Applications: Ensure that you sign in and grant necessary permissions for the applications you intend to connect with your GPT via Zapier.

Finalizing and Sharing Your Custom GPTs

Once you’ve meticulously configured your custom GPT to meet your unique needs, it’s time to save your progress. You have two options for sharing your GPT:

  • Private Use: Reserve your GPT for personal or limited use, ensuring that it remains your trusted AI companion.
  • Public Release: Opt to make your GPT accessible to a broader audience. Keep in mind that by choosing this option, your GPT may become available in the GPT store, opening doors to countless possibilities.

Exploring the Limitless Possibilities

Your custom GPT is now primed to assist you, whether you’re seeking an AI companion for specific tasks or exploring innovative ways to streamline your workflows. The journey of AI personalization has just begun, and the potential applications are boundless.

This comprehensive guide empowers you to unlock the full potential of AI personalization with OpenAI’s My GPTs. Whether you’re a novice venturing into the world of AI or a seasoned enthusiast looking to push the boundaries of customization, this step-by-step tutorial equips you with the knowledge and tools to create personalized AI models tailored precisely to your unique requirements. Elevate your AI capabilities and embark on an exciting journey of exploration with My GPTs today!

The Future of Custom AI

As the field of AI continues to evolve, custom GPTs represent a glimpse into the future of personalized AI. The ability to shape AI models to our exact needs opens doors to innovation across various industries:

  1. Content Creation: Custom GPTs can be invaluable for content creators, helping them generate high-quality articles, scripts, or marketing materials tailored to their niche.
  2. Customer Support: AI-powered chatbots with custom personalities and knowledge bases can provide exceptional customer support, enhancing user experiences.
  3. Education: Personalized tutoring and learning assistance can be delivered through custom GPTs, offering students tailored support in various subjects.
  4. Healthcare: Custom AI models can assist medical professionals with research, patient interactions, and data analysis, ultimately improving healthcare outcomes.
  5. Research: Researchers can leverage custom GPTs to analyze vast datasets, generate hypotheses, and explore complex scientific questions.
  6. Entertainment: Custom AI characters in video games and virtual worlds can create immersive and dynamic player experiences.
  7. Business Automation: Custom GPTs can streamline business processes by automating tasks like data entry, report generation, and customer outreach.

In conclusion, custom GPTs are a game-changer in the world of AI personalisation. They empower individuals and businesses to harness the full potential of AI, adapting it to their specific needs and objectives. With OpenAI’s user-friendly platform and the integration of Zapier, the possibilities are endless. Embrace the future of AI today by creating your custom GPT and exploring the limitless opportunities it offers.


What are custom GPT?

Custom GPTs are AI models trained on your team’s specific data and instructions, allowing them to perform tasks and generate content tailored to your workflow and industry.

How do I create a custom GPT?
  1. Access the GPT Builder in ChatGPT:
    • Click “Explore” in the sidebar.
    • Click “Create a GPT.”
  2. Start a conversation with the GPT Builder:
    • Describe what you want your GPT to do or specialize in.
    • The Builder will suggest a name, profile picture, and conversation starters.
  3. Customize your GPT:
    • Provide detailed instructions or guidelines.
    • Add knowledge content (documents, files, or web links).
    • Select desired actions (web searching, image creation, data analysis).
  4. Publish and share:
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    • Click “Publish” to make your GPT accessible.
    • Share it with others if you wish.
Can I share my custom GPT with other teams or organizations?

This is a placeholder tab content. It is important to have the necessary information in the block, but at this stage, it is just a placeholder to help you visualise how the content is displayed. Feel free to edit this with your actual content.

Can I make money from my custom GPT?

Yes, OpenAI plans to launch a GPT Store where creators can feature and monetize their GPTs.

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