How to Use ChatGPT Voice to Learn Any Language in [2024]

Introduction ChatGPT Voice

Are you looking to master a new language but find traditional methods daunting or inaccessible? Fear not, as the digital era brings us innovative tools like ChatGPT, revolutionizing the way we learn languages. With ChatGPT voice feature, accessible to all free users, language learning has become more interactive and engaging than ever. In this post, we’ll explore 10 creative prompts that leverage ChatGPT capabilities, making language mastery not just a dream but an achievable reality. From practicing basic greetings to mastering idioms, these prompts cater to learners at all levels. Let’s dive into these language learning game-changers!

MUNDOLINGO GPT to learn any language with ChatGPT voice

Bilingual Practice

Bilingual dialogue practice is an excellent way to immerse yourself in a new language, such as Italian, while still using your native language as a support. This method involves engaging in a conversation where you speak in English and ChatGPT responds in Italian. It’s a stress-free approach that helps you gradually get used to the sound, structure, and common expressions of Italian.

This technique is especially beneficial for beginners or those who might feel overwhelmed by speaking a new language immediately. It focuses on building listening comprehension skills in a natural and engaging way. As you become more comfortable with the language, you can start incorporating Italian phrases into your responses, slowly transitioning to more complex conversations.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Let’s practice bilingual dialogue. I will speak in English, and I would like you to respond in Italian. Let’s keep the conversation simple and focused on everyday topics. I’ll start: Hello, how are you today?


Let’s say you’re learning Italian and want to practice with ChatGPT. Here’s how a simple bilingual dialogue might go:

  • You: Hello, how are you today?
  • ChatGPT: Ciao, sto bene, grazie. E tu? (Italian)
  • You: I’m good, thank you. What’s the weather like in Rome today?
  • ChatGPT: Oggi a Roma c’è il sole e fa caldo. (Italian)
  • You: That sounds lovely. I enjoy sunny weather.
  • ChatGPT: Anche a me piace il tempo soleggiato. Hai dei piani per oggi?

In this conversation, you’re practicing your comprehension of Italian by understanding ChatGPT voice responses. The dialogue uses simple, everyday language to help you familiarize yourself with common Italian phrases and vocabulary.


Slang Translation with ChatGPT voice

Slang translation is a crucial aspect of language learning, particularly for those looking to achieve fluency and a more natural conversational style. Understanding slang or colloquial expressions in a language, not only enhances your ability to communicate effectively but also deepens your cultural understanding. ChatGPT voice can be an invaluable resource in this area, helping you decipher and learn the nuances of French slang.

This method is particularly useful for intermediate learners who have a grasp of basic language and want to sound more like a native speaker. By learning slang, you get insights into how language is used in everyday, informal settings, which is often not covered in traditional language courses.

Example with French Slang:

Suppose you’ve come across a French slang term in a movie, conversation, or while traveling, and you’re curious about its meaning and usage. For instance, you hear the word “ouf,” which is frequently used in casual French conversations.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hi ChatGPT, I came across the French slang word ‘ouf’ and I’m curious about what it means. Can you explain its meaning and how it’s used in everyday French conversation?

ChatGPT’s Response:

chatgpt voice for french

Hello! “Ouf” is indeed a French slang word that is commonly used in everyday conversation. It’s an abbreviation or a verlan (a form of French slang where the syllables of a word are reversed) of the word “fou,” which means “crazy” or “mad” in English. Here’s what “ouf” means and how it’s used:

By incorporating this approach, learners can effectively bridge the gap between textbook French and the French spoken on the streets, making their language skills more versatile and authentic.

Basic Greetings and Pronunciation Tips

Learning basic greetings and pronunciation is a fundamental step for anyone beginning their journey in mastering a language. Starting with simple, everyday phrases and their correct pronunciation can significantly ease the learning process. ChatGPT voice can be a helpful tool in this regard, offering guidance on how to articulate phrases properly.

This method is particularly beneficial for beginners who need to build a strong foundation. By mastering basic greetings, learners can start engaging in simple conversations, which is a great confidence booster. Additionally, understanding the nuances of pronunciations is crucial to learn a language

Example with Thai Greetings:

Let’s say you’re interested in learning how to greet someone in Thai and want to ensure you’re pronouncing the words correctly.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hello ChatGPT, I’m starting to learn Thai and would like to know how to say ‘hello’ and ‘goodbye.’ Could you provide me with these basic greetings in Thai along with tips on how to pronounce them correctly?

ChatGPT’s Response:

Of course! In Thai, ‘hello’ is said as ‘สวัสดี’ (sawasdee). For males, you say ‘สวัสดีครับ’ (sawasdee krap), and for females, it’s ‘สวัสดีค่ะ’ (sawasdee ka). The word ‘sawasdee’ is pronounced with a mid tone throughout.

To say ‘goodbye,’ you use the same word, ‘สวัสดี’ (sawasdee), with the appropriate polite particle (‘krap’ for males and ‘ka’ for females). Remember, the tone and the polite particle are important in Thai language.

Here’s a pronunciation tip: Try to maintain a steady, even tone when saying ‘sawasdee.’ Unlike English, the tone of your voice can change the meaning of the word in Thai.

This approach not only introduces the basic greetings in Thai but also emphasizes the importance of tones, which are crucial in Thai language communication. By starting with these fundamental phrases and focusing on their correct pronunciation, learners can build a solid foundation for further Thai language study.

Conversation and Correction

The “Conversation and Correction” method is a highly effective approach for language learners who wish to improve their speaking and grammatical accuracy. In this practice, you engage in a conversation with ChatGPT voice in your target language. The key aspect here is that ChatGPT will correct your mistakes in real-time. This immediate feedback is invaluable for learning the correct usage of grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure.

This method is particularly beneficial for learners who have moved past the beginner stage and are looking to refine their language skills. It simulates a real-world conversation where you can learn from your mistakes without the pressure or embarrassment you might feel in a conversation with a native speaker.

Example Scenario:

Imagine you are learning Spanish and want to practice your speaking skills. You decide to have a conversation with ChatGPT voice about your daily routine, hobbies, or any topic of your choice.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hi ChatGPT, I am learning Spanish and want to improve my speaking skills. Can we have a conversation in Spanish? Please correct me whenever I make a mistake and help me rephrase my sentences correctly. Let’s start by talking about our favorite hobbies. My favorite hobby is reading. What’s yours?


  • You: Mi hobby favorito es leer. ¿Y tú? (My favorite hobby is reading. And you?)
  • ChatGPT: Me gusta mucho viajar. Por cierto, dijiste ‘Mi hobby favorito es leer’ correctamente. (I really like traveling. By the way, you said ‘Mi hobby favorito es leer’ correctly.)
  • You: Me gusta leer libros de sciencia ficción. (I like to read books of science fiction.)
  • ChatGPT: Casi perfecto, pero se dice ‘libros de ciencia ficción’. (Almost perfect, but it’s said ‘libros de ciencia ficción’.)

This method of practice with ChatGPT allows for a safe, supportive environment where you can make mistakes and learn from them, which is a crucial part of language learning. The immediate correction and guidance provided by ChatGPT can significantly enhance your language proficiency over time.

Improve your listening skills with comprehension tests. ChatGPT can read passages in your target language, followed by questions to assess your understanding, a critical skill for language mastery.

Vocabulary Quiz

A vocabulary quiz is an engaging way to enhance your language skills, especially in terms of word recognition and memory. ChatGPT can act as a quizmaster, throwing at you a mix of words in your target language, and your task is to guess or know their meanings. This can be particularly fun and educational for languages with a rich vocabulary like Italian.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hi ChatGPT, let’s do an Italian vocabulary quiz. Please give me a mix of easy and challenging Italian words, and I’ll try to guess their meanings in English.


  • You: “Hi ChatGPT, let’s do an Italian vocabulary quiz.”
  • ChatGPT: “Sure! What does ‘libro’ mean in English?”
  • You: “It means ‘book’.”
  • ChatGPT: “Correct! How about ‘mare’?”
  • You: “Is it ‘sea’?”
  • ChatGPT: “Yes, well done! Now, let’s try a challenging one: ‘sogno’.”

Engaging in a vocabulary quiz with ChatGPT voice not only tests your current knowledge but also introduces you to new words, gradually expanding your language arsenal.

Basic Sentence Translation

For beginners, translating basic sentences from English to another language is a great way to start speaking and understanding the new language. In this case, we can focus on Italian. This exercise helps in grasping basic sentence structures and common phrases.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hello ChatGPT, I’m learning Italian. Can you translate this sentence into Italian for me? ‘How do I get to the nearest train station?’


Learning Italian with ChatGPT voice
  • You: Hello ChatGPT, can you translate ‘How do I get to the nearest train station?’ into Italian?
  • ChatGPT: Sure, it’s ‘Come faccio ad arrivare alla stazione ferroviaria più vicina?’

Basic sentence translation is a stepping stone in language learning, helping you to quickly apply new vocabulary and grammar in practical situations.

Mundolingo GPT for ChatGPT voice

Roleplaying Conversations

Roleplaying conversations are an excellent way to practice language in a contextual setting. By simulating real-life scenarios, you can practice dialogues that you’re likely to encounter. This method is beneficial for practicing speaking and listening skills in a practical, engaging way.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hi ChatGPT, I want to practice a roleplaying conversation in French. Let’s simulate a scenario where I am booking a hotel room in Paris. I’ll start: ‘Hello, I would like to book a room for two nights, please.’


  • You: Hello, I would like to book a room for two nights, please.
  • ChatGPT: “Bien sûr, monsieur/madame. Avez-vous une préférence pour le type de chambre?
  • You: Yes, a room with a view of the Eiffel Tower, please.
  • ChatGPT: Je vais vérifier la disponibilité. Un moment, s’il vous plaît.

Roleplaying with ChatGPT voice allows you to immerse yourself in real-life scenarios, enhancing both your language comprehension and speaking skills in a dynamic and interactive way.

Learning Idioms

Idioms add colour to language and are essential for sounding like a native speaker. Learning idioms in any language, such as English, can be both challenging and fun. ChatGPT can help by explaining the meanings and usage of various idioms.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hi ChatGPT, can you teach me some common English idioms and show me how to use them in sentences?


  • You: Hi ChatGPT, can you teach me some common English idioms?
  • ChatGPT: Certainly! Let’s start with ‘Break the ice.’ It means to initiate conversation in a social setting. For example, ‘I broke the ice at the party by talking about my travel experiences.’

Understanding and using idioms can significantly improve your conversational skills, making your language use more natural and native-like.

Oral Exam Practice

Preparing for oral exams in a language like French requires practice in speaking and understanding spoken questions. ChatGPT voice can simulate an exam environment by asking questions in French, allowing you to respond as if in an actual oral exam.

Prompt for ChatGPT:

Hello ChatGPT, I’m preparing for a French oral exam. Can we do a 20-minute mock exam? Please ask me a variety of questions in French that might be typical for an intermediate-level exam.


  • You: Hello ChatGPT, I’m ready for the French oral exam practice.
  • ChatGPT: Très bien. Quelle est votre routine quotidienne?
  • You: Je me réveille à sept heures, puis je prends mon petit-déjeuner.
  • ChatGPT: Excellent. Pouvez-vous me parler de votre livre préféré?

Oral exam practice with ChatGPT is an excellent way to prepare for real life language assessments. It helps build confidence and fluency, ensuring you’re well-prepared for the actual exam.”

Listening Comprehension Test

A listening comprehension test is crucial for understanding spoken language in real-world scenarios. ChatGPT voice can create and read out passages in your target language, followed by questions to test your understanding. This exercise is beneficial for improving listening skills and comprehension accuracy.

Prompt for ChatGPT:


  • You: Hi ChatGPT, can you help me with a German listening comprehension test?
  • ChatGPT: Of course! Here’s a short story: ‘Heute ist ein sonniger Tag. Maria geht in den Park, um ihre Freunde zu treffen. Sie spielen Fußball und haben viel Spaß.’ Now, what did Maria do today?
  • You: She went to the park to meet her friends.
  • ChatGPT: Correct! And what did they do in the park?
  • You: They played football and had a lot of fun.

Listening comprehension tests with ChatGPT are a fantastic way to practice understanding the spoken word, a critical skill for effective communication in any language.


The world of language learning has been forever transformed by the advent of innovative tools like ChatGPT voice. With its new voice feature, accessible to all free users, language mastery has become not just a dream but an achievable reality. In this exploration of 10 creative prompts that harness ChatGPT capabilities, we’ve seen how it can revolutionize language learning for individuals at all proficiency levels.

From the practicality of bilingual dialogue practice to the enriching experience of delving into the world of slang, from mastering the basics of pronunciation to refining your conversational skills through real-time correction, ChatGPT offers a dynamic and versatile platform for language acquisition.

Moreover, the vocabulary quizzes, sentence translations, roleplaying scenarios, idiom explanations, oral exam simulations, and listening comprehension tests presented here demonstrate the diverse range of learning opportunities ChatGPT can provide. These methods not only foster language proficiency but also enhance cultural understanding, making your journey to language fluency a holistic and rewarding experience.

So, whether you’re a beginner taking your first steps or an advanced learner striving for fluency, ChatGPT voice is your ally in the quest to master a new language. Its capabilities empower you to engage, practice, and refine your skills in a supportive and interactive environment.

In this digital age, language learning has never been more accessible and enjoyable. With ChatGPT voice by your side, the dream of fluency is within reach. So, seize these language learning game-changers, embark on your linguistic journey, and let ChatGPT be your trusted companion in the exciting world of language acquisition. Happy learning!

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